Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Chit Chat Tech with Kariette E.2 - Anti Ransomware Software

So this week's post is a continuation to last week's post.

You now know what Ransomware is and you have insight into protecting yourself from it; I also went into backing up your data so you can restore your machine if you have been hit with Ransomware and also being precautions

Now here's some extra security - Anti Ransomware Software. Not all current Virus Protection Software protects against ransomware; even if it does you can also still install addition software for ransomware protection. I have compiled a list of Anti Ransomware software; that I have used personally, heard great things about and things that I researched.

1. Malwarebytes Anti - Ransomware - This is software that I currently use and is in Beta mode. It's available straight from the Malwarebytes Site.

Does it work? It works; a specific backup on my work server was copying files and let's just say how the back up is done somewhat mimics the crypto-locker virus does. Malwarebytes Anti Ransomware stopped it. That is resolved now but that's the indication I needed to know for a fact that it would work against Ransomware.

2. Microsoft Exchange Online Advanced Threat Protection. This is actually not software; but an add on for persons subscribed to Microsoft Exchange services. I am Microsoft 365 subscriber and a part of the Microsoft Partner Network. As I mentioned Ransomware can be sent via email attachments and links within emails. This costs only $2.00/user.

How this Works? It protects against unsafe attachments and expanding protection against malicious links, it complements the security features of Exchange. It would alert you that the link/attachment is deemed malicious or unsafe - depends on how it is set up by your Microsoft Administrator. Read more about this at Microsoft.

If you need any assistance or more advice about Ransomware feel free to contact me using the contact form in the side bar.

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