Thursday, December 19, 2013

Journey to a Fit Lifestyle 1.0

So I have come to accept that I am FAT! I gained 34 lbs in about 4 months after I have neglected working out and every other thing I had been doing to stay fit since I moved to New Jersey in August.

I can blame it on a bunch of things like I didn't go to the gym because it's far as hell and I don't drive. I do not have that excuse anymore because I have to opportunity to go to the gym 2-3 times a week with a friend. Yay Yolanda! She also offered me the garage which is heated, with a large TV so I can use her T25 program which is actually good. 

I also have weights, mats, stability ball and workout programs with my Cable subscription which I have not used. I plan on doing so.

I have a juicer... I will resume using that. I will provide you with my pre-workout juice recipes and meals I have used.

At one point during the summer amateur body building was in my dreams. I think I absolutely gave up on my imagine and it has absolutely indirectly messed with my self esteem and I don't even think I realized that until now I am writing this blog post. 

I just measured and weighed myself and I am disgusted. This shit is ridiculous and I can only blame myself. Blogging is probably the only way I'll stick to this thing. 

Current Stats Goals
Weight: 186 lbs
Hip: 46 inches
Waist: 34
Bust: 36

My goal is to loose 34 lbs, keep fit, get as toned as I was before and stay like it. My goals are based on well what my stats were about 6 months ago. I figured if I was there it's a great possibility I could get right back there. 

I am also giving myself a 4 month deadline to reach my first goal (8.5 lbs/month) and then create a lifetime series on this blog called A Fit Lifestyle.

I have done a bunch of stuff to loose weight before because I'm a person who hates sticking to a routine and it's fun to change it up... What will remain the same is 
  • I have done a fruit and vegetables only  for 5 days 
  • Being a Vegetarian so to speak 3-4 days a week for 2 months.
  • Alcohol only 2-3 days a week
  • Eating extremely small portions of food
  • 75-100 sit-ups/crunches for 2 weeks
  • 50 push ups a day for 2 weeks
  • 50 squats a day for 2 weeks
  • Pole dancing
Just an absolute bunch of stuff and crazy challenges. (Thank Tribesports for that) I plan on doing all of these again. 

My first challenges and plans are: 
  1. Being a Vegetarian 3 Days a Week for 2 Months Challenge. (hopefully I can commit to a lifetime change as in being a vegetarian 3 days a week for life not a full blown vegetarian). The days are going to vary each week of course. Today is my start day. Dec 19th, 2013 - February 20th, 2014. 
  2. Working out at least 5 days a week 
  3. 75-100 sit-ups and crunches for 2 weeks challenge. 
I will give you an update every Thursday, juice recipes here and there, and a weigh and measure in every two weeks. To show you my progress. I also take OxyELITE Pro by the way. I will also provide links and information for the exercises I have done.

If you have any questions, need advice or anything. feel free to contact me. I am not a professional, but I do know how to count calories, I know what foods are bad and I know how to workout and find resources for the knowledge I need. (I have just been lazy) 

Please consult your physician before starting any diet plans or exercises. 

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